Friday, April 30, 2010

Episode 7: "Occupational Hazard"

The atmosphere to the restaurant was dim, much like the way Andre was feeling at the moment. He just wasn't in the mood to see or even talk to another girl. He was still in mourning...more so now, since he talked about the suicide to his brothers. Gloomy...down..just not in the mood for anything or anybody. Kareem spotted three girls walking their way.

"Ok, Andre, put the sad song away because we got three hot chicks coming our way. I'm pretty sure that's them." Kareem stood up as the girls walked up to the table. Andre hesitated, but stood up and greeted the ladies.

"Hello everyone." Michelle said extending her hand to Kareem and Andre. Only Kareem shook her hand. "I'm Michelle. This is Kami and Shanese."

"Hey" The ladies said in unison. Michelle whispered something in the girl’s ears and then headed to the door. Kami truly felt uncomfortable with this "date" She didn't have time to be mingling with a man. She had an agenda. She slid in the booth and began to "occupy" Kareem with a little conversation.

Kareem was all smiles as he formally introduced himself to Kami. She didn't look like she wanted to be here, but Kareem wasn't about to let her down.

"Hi. I'm Kareem. Is everything ok? I mean, if you're feeling uncomfortable, I can understand, since this is sort of like a blind date."

"No I'm ok. It's nice to meet you. Michelle said she needed a favor from a friend so I don't mind." I lied straight through my teeth. One thing I hated was for a man to be able to read straight through me. So I put on all smiles for this rather good looking man. "So are you from here?"

"No, actually I'm-we're from Brooklyn. Me and my brothers are here for some work." Kareem saw the put on smile. What was this girl's deal, he asked himself. "Listen, why don't I get you something to loosen up a bit, because you obviously seem to wanna get up and run from here. I don't bite...I promise," said Kareem, giving his best manly smile to this beautiful lady next to him.

"Kareem, I'm fine trust me. But a drink would be nice." Kareem called the waiter over and I order a girly drink, Strawberry Daiquiri. No need in getting drunk with someone I don't know. "Anyway, I've never been to New York. I'm a writer/author. I'm sure the time will come for me to make a trip there. My Publisher is in New York. What is it that you do?" The waiter came back with my drink. I crossed my legs and turned to face Kareem. My short strapless baby blue dress was rising up a bit. Of course that caught Kareem’s eye. Maybe I wanted it to.

He just had to look at Kami's shapely legs. He tried not to be obvious, but the eyes just did their own thing.

"I'm a computer technician. Yeah, you can call me a geek, but actually, I'm the furthest thing from a geek as you can get," Kareem laughed. He stopped the waiter before he left. "I'll take a coke please," said Kareem. Kami gave him a sideways look.

"A computer technician? Nothing to be ashamed about. That just means you make a lot of money. Everybody has computers." I laughed as well but not at him, with him. Kareem seemed real cool and I was glad I decided to do this favor for Michelle. "So Michelle says that this "favor". I put fingers up for affect. "Is supposed to last for a few weeks. What do you like to do? Any places you may like to see while you're here? I'm not much for being out in the clubs. I just came out of a five year relationship that ended bad and I was trying to do the right thing and stay out of the clubs but that's another story." I laughed. "But I'm sure my girl Shanese knows a few places.

Kareem nodded as Kami was talking, taking it all in, especially the relationship part.

"Yes, I'm comfortable on what I get paid. Three weeks is correct. My days will be busy, but my nights," Kareem started. He was noticing Kami's beautiful eyes, and how she seemed interested in every word he said. "My nights are free, and as you can see, I'm not much of a drinker either. They can keep the clubs. Give me a secluded spot of a restaurant, with good food, and a nice conversation with a lovely lady...who I believe is NOT in a relationship, based on what I heard?"

I laughed at Kareem's little hint of me being single. "Yeah you heard right. I'm single. Wasn't by choice. It was a hand I was dealt but I'm a big girl. I'll get through it."

The hurt on Kami's face was so noticeable, even though she put on a brave front. Kareem took hold of her hand, which scared her just a bit.

"Listen, I told you I don't bite. What I'd like to do is to make you comfortable, and ease those bad feelings from your head, because you are so tensed up, I can feel it. " Kami smiled, and her hand loosened up to take a better hold of Kareem's. Kareem continued, “"So, a five-year relationship, huh? How can anyone be with a gorgeous gal like you for so long, and just give up on you? That is how it went, right? Because you seem like the committed type; in for the long run. Does this person still have your number?" Kareem, as smooth as he is, was hoping that the relationship was completely over, because he didn't need any headaches.

“Thanks but yes I was committed. He ended the relationship just when I thought he was going to ask me to marry him. But something about the situation does seem right. Things have been crazy in my life since then." I took a sip of my drink. "He doesn't know but I know about a huge secret that he's keeping. Something happened a few years ago concerning money. Needless to say, I plan to use my information."

Damn, she wanted to take ol' dude's money, Kareem thought. That hurt look returned to Kami's face, this time with a little bit of fire. Kareem stared at her for a few seconds, seeing the wheels turning in her head. The wheels were turning in his head as well. Kareem heard the word money, and his heart started racing. This was another chance to get paid, and what better way than to help out a fine-ass women bring down her ex.

"Um, wow. Ah, so you really want this dude to pay, huh?

"Something like that. I invested a lot of time in this man. I can't just let him walk away like that. A few months back I found out that he was involved with a friend in a bank robbery and got away with a lot of money. I have plans once this favor for my friend is over." As I told Kareem about Keith his eyes got big like he'd just seen a ghost but before he could respond or ask another question, Shanese walked up to me.

“Hey I'm leaving. I don't know what's up with ol' boy but I'm outta here. I'll hook up with ya'll again later.

"You leaving?" I asked.

"Yeah I need to get Lil Mark. You might as well come with me. I don't wanna leave you here by yourself." She finished.

"Well Kareem I guess we are gonna have to cut this little date short. How about we exchange numbers and hook up again later?"

Kareem couldn't believe his ears. Say what? He stood up as Kami stood, ready to leave.

"Yes, we definitely have to meet up again. So, how about dinner? Some nice convo? You pick the place."

I stood up with Kareem. "Great. Here's my number. Call me this week." I gave Kareem a small hug and headed for the door. He headed over to his brother Andre.

Kareem watched as the babe in the slinky blue strapless dress walked out the door, then sat down with Andre.

"Bro, what the fuck? That Shanese chick was too through with you," said Kareem.

"I don't know, me and blind's ridiculous, man. I wasn't feeling her, she wasn't feeling me." Andre looked more depressed than usual.

"Well, let me tell you this: me and that fine thang that just walked out the door are hitting it off. In fact, we're hitting it off so well, that she opened up to me," said Kareem. Andre was still sulking. "And, you're not gonna believe what she told me."

"What, that she wants to be your baby's mama? Look, let's just forget about these tricks, and go back to the motel and talk money. That's what we're here for anyway." Andre started to get up.

"BINGO!" Kareem's face lit up. Andre waited for Kareem to explain what bingo meant. "Bingo, as in money! Andre, she just told me that her ex was involved in a bank robbery, and she's about to set him up and get paid. Dude, doesn't this sound familiar?"

Andre eased back into the chair. "Bank robbery? Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

"I don't believe in coincidences, bro. I believe in being at the right place, at the right time." Kareem's smile went wide, causing Andre to do the same.


When Michelle left the restaurant with Kami, Shanese, Andre and Kareem, she planned to go home but had other things in mind. She vowed a few weeks ago that she was going to try to work on her marriage and not sleep around but of course while out she met a gorgeous, caramel skin guy named Travis that got more than her attention. After a few brunch dates they’d had one sexual encounter and tonight would make the second.

As she pulled up to his house in Lawrenceville GA she fixed her lips and hair. She got out of the car and walked up to the door not realizing she was being followed by a Private Investigator because her husband thought she was cheating on him.

Darryl Mims's Crimes of Passion in the ATL is collabing with Dominique Watson's The Dirty Sexy Chronicles . Be sure to read those articles so you can really know what's going on and meet the characters that are being introduced throughout Crimes of Passion in the ATL :

Friday, April 23, 2010

Episode 6: "The Inglorious Past"

Usher's "Daddy's Home" was playing out the day at the knock-off warehouse. The machines, the printers...all the paperwork and computer entries were coming to a stop. Two solid days of hard work from Andre, Kareem, and their assistants, and the task was complete. The first truckload was ready to roll out, much to the pleasure of Carlos, who was smoking his cigar as the trailer's doors were being locked shut. With all documents accounted for, the two truckers said their goodbyes to the brothers, and rolled out onto Interstate 285 to start the journey to distribute the totally identical brand name clothing to stores throughout the southern states.

Andre, Kareem, and Carlos then walked into the smallish office towards the front of the warehouse, and popped open a few beers. They were tired, but felt good about getting the first load out of the way. The next load would be arriving in a couple of days, which gave the brothers ample time to reminisce.

"Brothers, a job well done," Carlos said, raising his bottle of beer to make a toast. "I just knew the two of you would come through. I may not have been around much, but y'all always had that tenacity about you to make things happen. Alright now, Andre, tell me. What was with the daydreaming act yesterday morning? For real, man, you were in another world."

Andre looked at Carlos, then to Kareem. He knew this time would come to talk about it. Kareem already knew, but not the whole story. He exhaled, then put his head down. "Okay, I'll tell you.

"I met this woman named Gloria on a cruise about two years ago. Our port-of-call was Grand Cayman. That was the first time I noticed her. We left the boat the same time, and shared a taxi together. The driver had us in stitches, saying that he was going to make sure we would never forget his kindness while we were on our honeymoon. We told him that we just met, and he said that's impossible, because, he being clairvoyant, already seen our wedding and knows how many kids we were going to have. With that, we bonded, and had such a great day. I found out that she was from Manhattan. It was perfect. We would stay at each other's place every other night.

"We always went back to Grand the spot of our first the beach where we first made love. That was our place...our paradise. After a year of dating, we were seriously considering getting married, so of course we went back down to the island, where I proposed to her. We didn't have rings yet, but we each had something we gave each other from the island. I gave her a beautiful bracelet, make of shells from our favorite beach. Her gift to me was a charm made in Hell. Not the place where the Devil dwells, but the place called Hell in West Bay, Grand Cayman, where the black limestone that is formed there was cut and polished into a charm...this charm." Andre touched his charm, then became depressed again. But he went on.

"We eventually looked for property to invest in, and we put our money together and opened up an account; completely out of the States' jurisdiction, so no taxes were taken out, and no questions about what was going in. On the day we were suppose to fly back, we got into a huge argument. I...I found out that Gloria was doing drugs...heavily, but she kept it well hidden from me. Well this particular time she must have over did it because she wasn't making any sense. I tried to calm her down, but she ran from me, and onto the balcony of our tenth floor hotel room. She climbed the rail, and was balancing herself on it, watching me slowly approach her. I did my best to get her to come down, but she was still talking gibberish. then, once I got close enough I reached out for her," Andre stopped. Tears began to fall down his cheek. Carlos and Kareem were quiet, engrossed in Andre's story.

"You see, she never committed suicide. When I reached out for her, she reached back to grab my hand. I was moving so fast to grab her, that I bumped into her leg. Our reach never took hold, and she fell off...reaching up to me to grab my hand that I still had out reaching for her." Andre cried silently for a minute, then finished. "I turned away before she hit the walk, but I can still hear the sound that it made."

Andre got up and walked out the office for a few minutes. Kareem stared off in amazement, not knowing that Andre was the cause of Gloria's death. Carlos didn't say anything, but just finished off his beer and cracked open another for the brothers. Andre walked back in after a few minutes.

"Ok Kareem, what's your sob story," asked Carlos as he passed the beers to Andre and Kareem.

"I don't have a sob story. But I do have a story where I got my ass kicked for the first and last time. Happened one night when I was walking this lady I was seeing home. Got to the porch, and two punks came around, one of them calling her name: 'Diane, hey Diane! What's good baby?' I thought it was disrespectful, so I confronted him. After a brief argument with me all in his face, I heard Diane saying something about a bat, then she screamed. Like a second later...POW! I was out like a light. Ol' punk's boy had picked up a bat from the front lawn of a neighbor's house, and knocked the shit outta my skull. I had a fractured skull and was bleeding all down my neck and back, but I didn't know it at the time. when I woke up, Diane, was over me, crying. Soon afterwards, the ambulance came and got me to the hospital.

"Took about three weeks to a month before I was good to go again. And just like a young stud like I was, the first thing I did was to go look for Hammering Hank Aaron. Wasn't hard to find him, because he and my girl were kicking it while I was incapacitated. So I casually walk up to my girl's porch, where she and ol' punk were smoking a blunt. Diane was shocked to see me, while he tried to go in the house. Nope! Wasn't happening. I push the bitch out the way from trying to protect her new man, then caught him before his pussy ass got into the house. I didn't need a bat, or anything besides my fist and feet. Those kickboxing lessons I use to take back in the day sure paid off, because he didn't know what hit him. I had him in a grappling hold, and he screamed like a little girl. I let him up to see what he had, but being the punk that he was, he just backed away. I finished him off, and gave him a broken face. Yeah that's right, I broke just about every bone in his face. Before I left, I gave Diane a few words of advice: 'Fuck yourself, bitch!'" Kareem posed like Hulk Hogan, showing off his muscular arms.

Carlos laughed. Andre wasn't paying Kareem any attention. He was still grieving over the incident.

"Next!" shouted Kareem, as he pointed to Carlos.

Carlos still chuckled a bit. He took his time opening his story, and when he did, it took on a strange tone.

"Did you know I dream in numbers? Like binary numbers, my dreams take on a certain pattern. It may not make sense to anyone else, but I see the pattern, and I know it's meaning. When I wake up, a figure sticks in my head, giving me an idea on how the day is gonna be." Carlos was rambling on, causing confusion to Kareem and Andre, who was pulled from his thoughts by Carlos's strange story.

"The day I was busted for the bank robberies, I dreamt of the number 13. To me, it's not a bad luck number, or any kind of luck, but it is a number that brings on events. Thirteen years to the day that I was caught, was the day I was let out. That morning I had dreamt the number thirteen. Another morning I dreamt of thirteen, but nothing happened that day. I just knew something was gonna happen but I woke up, and went to bed later that night without incident. While eating breakfast the next morning, I got a visit from one of the prisoners in the know. He told me about a friend of mine who died. Johnnie Sutton. Died on the day I dreamt of the number thirteen. Died exactly thirteen months to the day that we robbed the banks. He was the third partner. The one who helped get me caught, and at the same time, helped partner numero uno escape to the good life. Bullet to the brain. Ha! The punishments you get for helping out your brother-man." Andre and Kareem gave each other a sideways glance, not really sure what Carlos was talking about, or where it was leading to. Eventually, the two got up and departed the room, leaving Carlos alone. After a few minutes Carlos made a call to Keith, and told him how well the two days went for the first run.

"So it's coming together real smooth. Do you part, and it'll get even smoother," Carlos reminded Keith. He agreed, then ended the call.

Later on, in the Powder Springs section of Atlanta...

Keith makes a call to Michelle, that goes straight to voicemail. He shook his head, imagining what the whore was up to now.

"Hey good evening. I'm just calling to tell you that it's on. Put on the hooker gear, and go to work on them brothers. You just make sure you keep 'em busy, so they don't go nosing around. You got less than three weeks to work your crimes of passion, bitch. So do what you do best." Keith bitterly ended the call, knowing he was bringing it on too strong. The more he thought about it, the more he hated messing with Michelle. Kami was still in his heart. He fell back onto the bed, and dreamed of better days with Kami.

Crimes of Passion in the ATL is collabing with The Dirty Sexy Chronicles . Be sure to read those articles so you can really know what's going on and meet the characters that are being introduced throughout Crimes of Passion in the ATL :

Friday, April 16, 2010

Episode 5: "The Dirty Sexy Connection"

The rumble of the airline's jet engines overhead couldn't break Andre out of the trance that he was in. Despite Carlos's attempts to get his attention, Andre was still deep in thought. His expressions were mournful, as he was recalling a bad time in his life. Unconsciously, he kept tugging on the charm that was on a chain around his neck. Carlos and Kareem watched Andre for a few seconds more. Carlos, with arms folded, just shook his head. Andre was finally brought back to reality by Kareem's smack to the back of his head.

"OOOW!" What the...!" Andre was taken totally by surprise, and started to go at it with Kareem. Carlos stepped in between them before anything went down.

"Welcome back to Earth, asshole-naut," cracked Kareem. Andre still tried to get at him, but Carlos's big body prevented it.

"Look, you two cut the shit and pay attention. First off, there will be no frikkin day-dreaming happening around here, got it? Second, you two are going to have to get along, whether you like it or not. Now, follow me." Carlos walked from the parking lot they were standing in...close to the Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport...into a large, somewhat rundown warehouse. It wasn't even 8am yet, and the humid May air was already sticky. As they stepped into the warehouse, the coolness from the air condition felt refreshing to Andre and Kareem, who stood in the doorway and stared at the near empty room. There was a long work table that held two computers, two printers, and a few stacks of legal bond paper. There was also boxes of blank Bills of Sales, along with rubber stamps and pens. Carlos checked his watch.

"In about 15 minutes, a truck will be pulling up to the dock with 18 pallets of goods. The two fellas dropping it off will be here to assist you. So, let me go over everything you need to know," said Carlos. Andre and Kareem were now attentive to their big brother. After the rundown by Carlos, they were ready to get started. The truck pulled up to the dock, and within 20 minutes, the once empty room was filled with pallets of clothing material and machinery. Carlos then got everybody together, introduced each other, and they talked strategy.

"If there are any questions, ask them now," Carlos said, waiting for responses. Andre cleared his throat.

"Yeah, what about the pay? When do we get it?" Carlos looked at Andre and smirked.

"Believe me, bro, I won't leave you hanging. The money should come in fast and long as y'all get things done. So, put in the work, and you get results," continued Carlos. "Anything else you want to get off your chest?" There was no response from Andre this time. This scheme that Andre and Kareem was planning was going through Carlos's head, but he couldn't think about that right now with a million bucks on the line. "Cool, then let's get this operation up and running."

It didn't take the brothers long to coordinate a plan, and by 10am the designer programs were installed and ready to go. The documents were laid out with all the info Andre needed to get things started. By 11am their assistants had the machinery running and packing material ready. Kareem plugged up his iPhone into the PC speakers and cranked up his Jay-Z mixes.

Carlos was satisfied how things were coming along. He reminded them that this particular load had to be done to ship out in two days. He got a couple of nods as they continued to work hard. He gave them another smirk, then left and made a call.

"Top of the morning to you...partner," said Carlos to Keith on the other end, who sounded like he was just waking up. "Sorry if I disturbed your beauty sleep, but we are officially opened for business, so don't sleep on it, partner."

Keith looked at the time. He wasn't used to following orders, but Carlos was right; it was after 11 in the morning, and he needed to get things done. "Yeah, must have been the henny."

Carlos ignored him. "Are we set with your plan?"

"Yeah...yeah we good on that. There won't be a problem at all," said Keith, even though he had yet to make the call.

"Oh, and if the henny made you forget, let me remind you: $750,000 + $1,000,000 = a fifty-fifty deal. I'll keep you posted on where to send it." Carlos ended the call, and finally smiled. Keith just didn't know that it was going to add up in Carlos's favor.

Later on...

Keith was having a tough time accepting this new partnership. He was use to having things done his way, and at his pace…not to mention, keeping most of any profits that were made. Now with Carlos back in the picture, a 50/50 split just won't do. He looked around the beautiful house that he had built in the Powder Springs section of Atlanta. Five bedrooms, a great room, a big kitchen with an island, a huge deck with a pool where he's thrown countless parties...This was earned at 100 percent profit, not 50 percent.

Keith frowned at the thought of dealing with Carlos, but knew this was the right thing to do. He could have hid from Carlos forever, but he didn't want to have to keep looking over his shoulders for the rest of his life. “Why not make things right by bringing him on board in this business deal?” thought Keith. He wasn't convincing himself at all, and now, the added headache of Carlos's brothers scheming on his money...that wouldn't do at all. Keith wasn't sure how this plan to "occupy" the brothers would work, but he did know one thing: if anyone can pull it off, Michelle could. She was the biggest schemer he'd ever known, and has proving it time and time again. She might have gotten over on all those other brothas, but not him. He was going to make sure of that. The doorbell rang. Keith checked his watch...right on time.

As Keith opened the door he looked at me without a word. On the phone he told me we needed to talk and it was important. He didn't give details on the phone, just an address to come and see him at his house which I'd never been to so I knew it was serious.

"I'm here. What's up?" I walked into his lavish house that looked like he paid millions for. I sat my purse on his plush living room couch and turned to him for an answer with my hands on my hips. The way he looked at me told me I looked good in my gold top, gold stilettos and black tights. His answer said otherwise.

"Sit down, we need to discuss a couple of things," said Keith.

"Is that how you talk me now?" Without hesitation I walked around to the couch and sat down. He poured me a drink and sat across from me.

"Look, for what you owe me, I can talk to you any damn way I please. So listen up. How would you like to get rid of the debt you owe?"

"What debt?" I knew exactly what he was talking about. I just hoped he wasn't talking about the Kami situation.

"Please, you know what I'm talking about, or did some dude blow your mind so good that now you can't remember shit?"
I hated the hold Keith had on me but I couldn't do anything but take the blows. I slept with my best friend’s man and now I was paying for it."Whatever Keith. So what's the discussion?"

"Since you're so good at keeping brothas company, I got two that need your expertise. I want you to keep them occupied for a few weeks. They're from New York, and will be working for me. Whatever you do, make sure you don't do it around me. Other than the hours they put in for work, I don't want those two around me...and around my business partner."

"What? I'm not doing your dirty work. I don't even know these "brothas" No Keith. I'm not doing it." I sat back on the couch with my arms folded.

Keith laughed for a good minute. When he stopped, he wasn't smiling. "I was wrong. This isn't open for discussion. You WILL do it because you owe me. Don't make this harder than it's supposed to be."

"Keith why are you doing this? Why can't what he had just be a one night stand and move on? Wow I can't believe Kami was in love with a Con Artist." I sat quietly for a minute while I thought about his plan. "So what all do I have to do?"

"You know, you got a lot of nerve bringing up Kami's name, while stabbing her in the back. That's why you will be good for this little job. I'm a business man, and there's business that needs to be done. So...all you need to do is get these brothers to pay you and whoever else you bring on, more attention than us. You know how you do. Seduce them, screw them, keep them in hand cuffs for all I care...just make it happen."

"How much you paying us? This ain't for free." I was now sitting up and looking Keith straight in the face.

Keith laughed even harder this time. "Bitch, that dude must have really blown your mind because you're talking some crazy shit right now. You're right, this ain't free, so do this, and consider your little debt paid in full."

"Keith my girls ain't doing shit for free and get off your high horse cause' the dick wasn't that good anyway. You ain't gotta pay me nothing but my girls are going to need to be reimbursed. I know you got it living in this nice house and all." Keith and I were no longer sipping our drinks quietly. It had turned into a mouth piece war and if I was called another bitch it would be more.

"Yeah, and the ass wasn't all that, either. No wonder dudes treat you like shit, because that's all you're worth. But, alright...I'll give up some dough to the other girls. You, on the other hand, gets nothing. You get them to do whatever it takes, and I'll pay them say, $2000 a piece."

"Fine and after this deal is done don't call me text me or "accidentally" run into me. We are done." I grabbed my purse and headed for the door. "Call me when we need to meet the guys." I slammed the door behind me leaving a big loud bang behind and hopped into my Mercedes. My next call was to Kami.


Keith watched Michelle as she was marching out the door, her body tight, ass so fine...thinking that if he was a little nicer, that he could have gotten some before she left. He threw out that thought quickly. Seeing that she was pissed with him right now, Keith figured she might try to scam her way into getting some of the money for her efforts. She was just a piece of ass to wasn't like he couldn't get some from someone else....

Read "The Dirty Sexy Chronicles" here: Starring Kami, Michelle, and Shanese.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Episode 4: "New Partnership...New Game"

Each Jenkins brother carried three colossal-size bags from the Mercedes into their motel rooms. Clothes, footwear, toiletries...all from their long shopping day at the Underground. There were big smiles on each of their faces - brand new wardrobe and a fresh cut tends to make you do that. Carlos told Andre and Kareem to get settled, put out their finest gear for their first day of work in the morning, and meet him in his room in an hour. Once he settled in his room, Carlos plugged in his new pre-paid phone to program it, and to charge the batteries. After 30 minutes, he was dialing numbers. The number he dialed went straight to voicemail.

"We're here at the motel. I assume this is just temporary, giving the fact that the cost of a 3-week stay in a motel will cut into our profits. I'll have my brothers get started on setting up the documents and the programs needed to be downloaded." Carlos checked out the window to see if by chance, Andre and Kareem were on their why yet. "First shipment should be coming in 36 hours, giving them time to do what they do to send the goods off for payment within a few days. So things are looking up so much so that we need to finally have that face-to-face about money and percentages."

Carlos ended the call, and checked the notes he had taken during the long trip down. The pages were full of numbers...calculations to be exact. Algebra equations - exponents of numbers and variables...fractions...percentages of numbers rounded to the nearest tenth...To the unassuming eye, it looked like Einstein's rough draft to his theory of relativity. Carlos nodded in agreement with the figures he came up with. He checked the time. He had 20 minutes before his brothers came a visiting. His strong curiosity told him to pay them a visit first. He walked to their room, and stood outside the door...and heard talking coming from within. Carlos stood to the side, and listened.

"...And just imagine the interest rate he collected on his share of $750,000. And, 13 years of it at that?" Andre's bass-toned voice rumbled the room with reverberations of joy. Kareem, with arms folded, just shook his head.

"And how the fuck do you intend to get this money, let alone find it? I mean, we're not exactly Bonnie and Clyde you know," said a sarcastic Kareem. Andre bellowed a laugh.

"You see, Bonnie and Clyde, Baby Face Nelson...Thelma and Louise...they were reckless adventurous. That gung ho type of shit. They weren't very calculating when it came to the choices between life and death," analyzed Andre. "And, they didn't have the luxury of a hot-shot lawyer and a computer whiz kid." Andre let it marinate, and after five seconds he got a smile from Kareem. "We got three weeks down here to get the money. No guns. No masks...just intelligence, and an off-shore bank account. I have another theory on why we're down here. Figure it out. Quiet for 13 years, never ratted out his partners, and his partners never apprehended...?" Andre left it open again for Kareem to catch on.

"So, what? What are you getting at," asked an impatient Kareem.

"Dipshit, Carlos's partners are down the ATL. He brought us to the money." Andre was enjoying the big smile that came across Kareem's face.

Carlos heard it all. His fists automatically clinched. His suspicions were right. What the fuck?! My own brothers scheming on me! Then he used what he learned in prison: restraint. His fists and his shoulders loosened up, and went back to his room...talking to himself.

"Looks like my calculations will need some changing," Carlos said. He wasn't in a good mood as he waited for his brothers. When they finally arrived, he was straight-faced...all business. He told them of their jobs, and what it entailed. How Andre will put his lawyer skills to good use, creating "legal" documents, receipts, and bills of sales of garments. New "brand name" wear, going out to the hip-hop community clothes stores across the southeast. Kareem will be providing his computer talents to generate duplicate designer tags through intricate design programs. They muttered the word knockoffs, but eventually they were on board. Carlos knew they would be, thinking to himself, this was going to be an interesting three weeks.

Later on, at the Forte...

Keith Forbes checked out the crowded club...Rob Base's "It Takes Two" jam was getting the people up and dancing on the dance floor. His good looks and perfect fade with laid back waves was attracting lots of females. They came up to Keith, and asked him to dance. He smiled, showing the whitest teeth, and told them "Maybe next time, babe," and gave them a wink. His "guest" wasn't all that impressed with Keith's smooth ways. In fact, he fell for Keith's smooth ways once before...earning him 13 years in lock up.

Carlos Jenkins was looking sharp...dressed to the nines. His white fedora with the blood-red band, and matching blood-red silk shirt made him look like a true pimp. The Forte was full of pimp-wannabes, but Carlos turned all heads, looking like the pimp daddy...people fully aware of his huge 6'6" muscular frame. He ignored the females, and stared straight at Keith, who seemed intimidated by Carlos's presence.

"Can we get back to the matter at hand...'Keith'," said Carlos, putting emphasis on the name. Keith brought his full attention back to Carlos.

"The matter at hand. Ok, talk to me." Keith couldn't believe how big Carlos had gotten.

"I love the name. 'Forbes', huh? As in Forbes Magazine? And how about Keith-oh I know...from your favorite singer, Keith Sweat, right? Very ingenious, Mr. Randall Williams," Carlos said quietly in Keith's face.

Keith was starting to get furious. "Get to your point."

"Alright, here it is." Carlos saw a little fear in Keith's eyes...knew that this "new" partnership was not going to be like the old one.

"My brothers know about the money. The thing is, they think I'm the one with it. But we know who's holding on to it, don't we?" Carlos paused for effect. "They're scheming to get it, and they seem pretty determined. We need to keep them occupied for the next three weeks so they can work, and bring in the million bucks for us."

"Told you in the first place we didn't need them. How am I suppose to occupy them for three weeks?" Keith shook his head.

"They're good at what they do...that's why we got them here," said Carlos.

Keith continued to shake his head, then stopped. A thought suddenly came to him: Michelle. "Hmm, I think I got a plan." He laughed. "Don't worry Carlos, I'll take care of your bros for you." There was no reaction from Carlos. He moved in closer to speak quietly again to Keith.

"Remember these numbers: 750,000...for the dollars that we stole from those three banks. 13...for the years I served in lock up, and what you didn't serve. 50...for the percentage we will be splitting for the money stolen, and for this new operation...partner. You owe me that much." Carlos was now nose-to-nose with Keith, who sat back and wiped off some of the sweat that was on his forehead.

"Carlos, man...we ain't gotta take it there. This is a new partnership, a new me. I was greedy back then, I learned my lesson. I know I owe you, and that's why I had you sent down here...because you didn't rat me out." Keith ordered a shot of Hennessey for him and for Carlos. "Here's to a new and equal partnership." Keith raised his glass to Carlos, who reluctantly raised his glass. They clinked their shot glasses together and downed the cognac, all the while Carlos noticing beads of sweat forming back onto Keith's forehead.

(“Crimes of Passion in the ATL” will be meeting up with “The Dirty Sexy Chronicles”. Read this series here:)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Episode 3 "Getting clean In The Dirty"

The sign said "Welcome We're Glad Georgia's On Your Mind" as the Mercedes cruised down Interstate 85 towards Atlanta. Andre and Kareem took turns driving through the night, while Carlos slept off and on in the back seat. Not much talking, but a lot of good jazz music was playing on the stereo, courtesy of Andre's huge Mp3 collection. Andre was at the wheel now and saw the sign through the early morning fog. Georgia wasn't on his mind, but Carlos was-specifically why he was in jail. He looked in the rear-view mirror and saw that Carlos was awake, and taking notes again. Carlos looked up and saw Andre watching him through the mirror.

"What's on your mind, bro," asked Carlos. Andre felt the need to know right now.

" did it all go down? Just curious," said Andre. Carlos laughed to himself, wondering why it took thirteen hours to question him about his imprisonment. Thirteen...must be my lucky number, thought Carlos.

"Being young, stupid, and greedy...a bad combination. Eighteen years old, I thought I knew it all. So did my partners. We set out a plan to knock off as many banks as we could in a 24-hour period. We got up to three before we got-before I got caught. The other two got away with and all." Carlos left it at that. Andre was waiting for more.

"Well? How'd you get caught, and not your partners?" Andre turned the music down to hear Carlos better, but he wasn't saying anything at the moment. The only sound was Kareem's soft snoring. "How did they escape, and not you?"

"Put two and two together. They were the ones who held most of the money, and I was left alone literally holding the bag. Two plus two equals a set up," explained Carlos.

"Really? I mean why-" Andre started.

"You heard me. I was set up. I was the fall guy, the lone sucker. I was the distraction they needed to get away with the riches. They knew if there was one arrest in the bank robberies, the authorities would slack off on catching the others." Carlos was pretty much done with the touchy subject.

"So you took it up the ass, and did all those years basically because you didn't turn in your partners. Why in the world would you do time for them? You should have turned-" Andre was interrupted again.

"I don't rat on my peeps, you dig?" Carlos was definitely done with it.

"Yeah, but...but," started Andre, but the look on Carlos's face told him to drop it.

The road took them to the outskirts of Atlanta a couple of hours later. They stopped in Marietta for breakfast, then headed towards the ATL. Carlos fell back to sleep after a big meal. Andre quietly told Kareem what Carlos had told him about the bank robberies, with reservations. Kareem was noncommittal.

"Why would he lie about that? I mean, damn, he's confessing that he got his ass caught. What's the problem," asked Kareem.

"The problem is this: I don't believe what he said about the money. I believe he got something out of the robberies. Why would he serve thirteen years in prison so willingly, instead of plea bargaining? And not give up names? It just doesn't jive with me. I sure would like to know how much was stolen," Andre pondered. A minute late, the screen to Kareem's iPhone was in Andre's face, showing a headline from the browser. "August 12th, 1997...Bank Robbers Take $750,000 In Robbing Spree". Kareem then searched for more information on the robberies.

"Says here that the money was never recovered. That is a lot of money to just disappear," said Kareem. He and Andre looked at each other. Without words, they nodded in agreement, acknowledging the fact that the money was out there for them to find, and knew where to start looking.
The two continued to whisper back and forth as they sat in traffic, finally getting into metro Atlanta. Andre and Kareem were unaware that Carlos was awake, and heard everything. A trick he learned in prison: always sleep with one eye and one ear opened. He would hear other inmate's schemes, and see their actions, when they thought he was asleep. When the time came, he was two steps ahead of them. He was now listening to his two brothers plotting against him, and saw the headlines on the iPhone screen as Kareem showed Andre. Ten minutes later he "woke up", yawning and sitting up to see where they were.

"You see that Days Inn on your left? Pull in there." They checked in and got settled. Carlos took a room for himself, while the brothers shared a room. A half hour later they were on their way to the Underground. Andre's suspicions grew more, wondering where Carlos was coming up with the money for the hotel and now shopping?

The brothers spent a good portion of the day shopping for clothes at Unica's and Skillz, buying hundreds of dollars worth of new clothes. Then they stopped in Legends Barbershop for a fresh cut and a shave. Kareem had his dreadlocks touched up, looking pristine once again.

"You brothas start first thing in the morning. I'll show you around, and tell you what your job consists of," said Carlos from the barber's chair. "In the meantime, the smell from the Cajun Grill is making me hungry. We'll eat, then rest up. Tomorrow we put on the new threads, and step clean. I promise, these next three weeks are gonna change your lives." Carlos was cheesing in the mirror, seeing Andre and Kareem giving each other "the look" again.