Friday, April 16, 2010

Episode 5: "The Dirty Sexy Connection"

The rumble of the airline's jet engines overhead couldn't break Andre out of the trance that he was in. Despite Carlos's attempts to get his attention, Andre was still deep in thought. His expressions were mournful, as he was recalling a bad time in his life. Unconsciously, he kept tugging on the charm that was on a chain around his neck. Carlos and Kareem watched Andre for a few seconds more. Carlos, with arms folded, just shook his head. Andre was finally brought back to reality by Kareem's smack to the back of his head.

"OOOW!" What the...!" Andre was taken totally by surprise, and started to go at it with Kareem. Carlos stepped in between them before anything went down.

"Welcome back to Earth, asshole-naut," cracked Kareem. Andre still tried to get at him, but Carlos's big body prevented it.

"Look, you two cut the shit and pay attention. First off, there will be no frikkin day-dreaming happening around here, got it? Second, you two are going to have to get along, whether you like it or not. Now, follow me." Carlos walked from the parking lot they were standing in...close to the Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport...into a large, somewhat rundown warehouse. It wasn't even 8am yet, and the humid May air was already sticky. As they stepped into the warehouse, the coolness from the air condition felt refreshing to Andre and Kareem, who stood in the doorway and stared at the near empty room. There was a long work table that held two computers, two printers, and a few stacks of legal bond paper. There was also boxes of blank Bills of Sales, along with rubber stamps and pens. Carlos checked his watch.

"In about 15 minutes, a truck will be pulling up to the dock with 18 pallets of goods. The two fellas dropping it off will be here to assist you. So, let me go over everything you need to know," said Carlos. Andre and Kareem were now attentive to their big brother. After the rundown by Carlos, they were ready to get started. The truck pulled up to the dock, and within 20 minutes, the once empty room was filled with pallets of clothing material and machinery. Carlos then got everybody together, introduced each other, and they talked strategy.

"If there are any questions, ask them now," Carlos said, waiting for responses. Andre cleared his throat.

"Yeah, what about the pay? When do we get it?" Carlos looked at Andre and smirked.

"Believe me, bro, I won't leave you hanging. The money should come in fast and long as y'all get things done. So, put in the work, and you get results," continued Carlos. "Anything else you want to get off your chest?" There was no response from Andre this time. This scheme that Andre and Kareem was planning was going through Carlos's head, but he couldn't think about that right now with a million bucks on the line. "Cool, then let's get this operation up and running."

It didn't take the brothers long to coordinate a plan, and by 10am the designer programs were installed and ready to go. The documents were laid out with all the info Andre needed to get things started. By 11am their assistants had the machinery running and packing material ready. Kareem plugged up his iPhone into the PC speakers and cranked up his Jay-Z mixes.

Carlos was satisfied how things were coming along. He reminded them that this particular load had to be done to ship out in two days. He got a couple of nods as they continued to work hard. He gave them another smirk, then left and made a call.

"Top of the morning to you...partner," said Carlos to Keith on the other end, who sounded like he was just waking up. "Sorry if I disturbed your beauty sleep, but we are officially opened for business, so don't sleep on it, partner."

Keith looked at the time. He wasn't used to following orders, but Carlos was right; it was after 11 in the morning, and he needed to get things done. "Yeah, must have been the henny."

Carlos ignored him. "Are we set with your plan?"

"Yeah...yeah we good on that. There won't be a problem at all," said Keith, even though he had yet to make the call.

"Oh, and if the henny made you forget, let me remind you: $750,000 + $1,000,000 = a fifty-fifty deal. I'll keep you posted on where to send it." Carlos ended the call, and finally smiled. Keith just didn't know that it was going to add up in Carlos's favor.

Later on...

Keith was having a tough time accepting this new partnership. He was use to having things done his way, and at his pace…not to mention, keeping most of any profits that were made. Now with Carlos back in the picture, a 50/50 split just won't do. He looked around the beautiful house that he had built in the Powder Springs section of Atlanta. Five bedrooms, a great room, a big kitchen with an island, a huge deck with a pool where he's thrown countless parties...This was earned at 100 percent profit, not 50 percent.

Keith frowned at the thought of dealing with Carlos, but knew this was the right thing to do. He could have hid from Carlos forever, but he didn't want to have to keep looking over his shoulders for the rest of his life. “Why not make things right by bringing him on board in this business deal?” thought Keith. He wasn't convincing himself at all, and now, the added headache of Carlos's brothers scheming on his money...that wouldn't do at all. Keith wasn't sure how this plan to "occupy" the brothers would work, but he did know one thing: if anyone can pull it off, Michelle could. She was the biggest schemer he'd ever known, and has proving it time and time again. She might have gotten over on all those other brothas, but not him. He was going to make sure of that. The doorbell rang. Keith checked his watch...right on time.

As Keith opened the door he looked at me without a word. On the phone he told me we needed to talk and it was important. He didn't give details on the phone, just an address to come and see him at his house which I'd never been to so I knew it was serious.

"I'm here. What's up?" I walked into his lavish house that looked like he paid millions for. I sat my purse on his plush living room couch and turned to him for an answer with my hands on my hips. The way he looked at me told me I looked good in my gold top, gold stilettos and black tights. His answer said otherwise.

"Sit down, we need to discuss a couple of things," said Keith.

"Is that how you talk me now?" Without hesitation I walked around to the couch and sat down. He poured me a drink and sat across from me.

"Look, for what you owe me, I can talk to you any damn way I please. So listen up. How would you like to get rid of the debt you owe?"

"What debt?" I knew exactly what he was talking about. I just hoped he wasn't talking about the Kami situation.

"Please, you know what I'm talking about, or did some dude blow your mind so good that now you can't remember shit?"
I hated the hold Keith had on me but I couldn't do anything but take the blows. I slept with my best friend’s man and now I was paying for it."Whatever Keith. So what's the discussion?"

"Since you're so good at keeping brothas company, I got two that need your expertise. I want you to keep them occupied for a few weeks. They're from New York, and will be working for me. Whatever you do, make sure you don't do it around me. Other than the hours they put in for work, I don't want those two around me...and around my business partner."

"What? I'm not doing your dirty work. I don't even know these "brothas" No Keith. I'm not doing it." I sat back on the couch with my arms folded.

Keith laughed for a good minute. When he stopped, he wasn't smiling. "I was wrong. This isn't open for discussion. You WILL do it because you owe me. Don't make this harder than it's supposed to be."

"Keith why are you doing this? Why can't what he had just be a one night stand and move on? Wow I can't believe Kami was in love with a Con Artist." I sat quietly for a minute while I thought about his plan. "So what all do I have to do?"

"You know, you got a lot of nerve bringing up Kami's name, while stabbing her in the back. That's why you will be good for this little job. I'm a business man, and there's business that needs to be done. So...all you need to do is get these brothers to pay you and whoever else you bring on, more attention than us. You know how you do. Seduce them, screw them, keep them in hand cuffs for all I care...just make it happen."

"How much you paying us? This ain't for free." I was now sitting up and looking Keith straight in the face.

Keith laughed even harder this time. "Bitch, that dude must have really blown your mind because you're talking some crazy shit right now. You're right, this ain't free, so do this, and consider your little debt paid in full."

"Keith my girls ain't doing shit for free and get off your high horse cause' the dick wasn't that good anyway. You ain't gotta pay me nothing but my girls are going to need to be reimbursed. I know you got it living in this nice house and all." Keith and I were no longer sipping our drinks quietly. It had turned into a mouth piece war and if I was called another bitch it would be more.

"Yeah, and the ass wasn't all that, either. No wonder dudes treat you like shit, because that's all you're worth. But, alright...I'll give up some dough to the other girls. You, on the other hand, gets nothing. You get them to do whatever it takes, and I'll pay them say, $2000 a piece."

"Fine and after this deal is done don't call me text me or "accidentally" run into me. We are done." I grabbed my purse and headed for the door. "Call me when we need to meet the guys." I slammed the door behind me leaving a big loud bang behind and hopped into my Mercedes. My next call was to Kami.


Keith watched Michelle as she was marching out the door, her body tight, ass so fine...thinking that if he was a little nicer, that he could have gotten some before she left. He threw out that thought quickly. Seeing that she was pissed with him right now, Keith figured she might try to scam her way into getting some of the money for her efforts. She was just a piece of ass to wasn't like he couldn't get some from someone else....

Read "The Dirty Sexy Chronicles" here: Starring Kami, Michelle, and Shanese.