Friday, May 7, 2010

Episode 8: "Suspicions Confirmed"

Keith was in a foul mood. Not only was he still pissed off at Carlos for working the percentages in his own favor, but he had to take the beating. Forty-five percent was not a good look for him. Also the fact that he was thinking about the past...the very short past when he was happy with what he had. He looked around, and loved every bit of furniture and artwork and luxury he had in his home, but he was feeling empty.

The past was a happy time for him, and he threw it all away...for what? For money? That wasn't worth losing out on a relationship with the woman that he actually fell in love with. Now, those feelings were coming on strong again. Keith walked over to a picture that was framed on the wall. He took it down and stared at the beautiful picture of Kami. No, he wasn't about to throw it all away.

There was still a chance he can save their relationship. Really, five years of kissing, hugging, making love, and being there for each other was hard to get rid of. Without thinking, Keith hurried and put on his sneakers, then hopped in the Lexus. Yes, he thought...Kami was gonna be his lady once again.


“Girl I am so not in the mood to deal with Andre. Last time I saw him he was in a foul mood and acted like he didn’t want to be there. If Michelle’s friend was the one to put this together, then why was he even there to begin with. Make no sense to me.” Shanese was busy setting my dining room table while telling me her thoughts about Andre. I had paid her and Andre no mind last weekend. I was too busy flirting with Kareem.

“Yeah well Michelle’s my girl so we’ll just deal with it. Only two more weeks and we’re done.”

“I know. It doesn’t matter anyway. I want my cash. I’m finally beginning to get through to Flex about me and him. Hopefully marriage is on the way and I can stop this side hustling stuff.” I laughed at my friend and finished spicing up the shrimp. She headed up stairs to put on her shoes before the guys got there. Tonight Shanese and I had invited Kareem and Andre over for dinner and more conversation. I couldn’t lie; I was truly feeling Kareem. He seemed like such a good guy but I had to be careful. Keith was a good guy until he crossed me. I couldn’t wait to set my revenge. Two more weeks.

About thirty minutes later, the guys rang the doorbell. Shanese came from upstairs and fixed her mini skirt and spaghetti strap shirt in the long mirror next to the door. I made sure my girls were nice and full and that my long black dress fitted me well. I went to the door; Shanese standing behind me.

“Welcome! So glad you could make it. Come on in.”

"Wow" was all Kareem could think of to say as Kami stood in the doorway. Shanese stood in back of her, just as Andre stood in back of Kareem.

"Hello again, Kami, thanks." Andre slow-footed his way in as Kami and Kareem beamed at each other, and walked inside...leaving him and Shanese at the door.

"Good evening to you," said Andre in his low tone. He walked passed Shanese to fall behind Kareem and Kami, who were in there own little world.

Shanese mumbled “Here we go.” As Andre walked passed her. Kareem and I headed for the dining room.

“You like Shrimp?” I asked Andre and Kareem.

"Most definitely," said Kareem. Andre just nodded his head.

"Look man, wake the fuck up! What's wrong with you," Kareem asked as he got in Andre's ear.

He responded. "Y-yes shrimp is cool with me." Shanese shook her head and walked off with Kami.

"What are you, some kind of loser? If this is about what happened, get over it! I mean, look at her. She's banging!" Andre did what Kareem said, and watched Shanese go into the kitchen with Kami.

"Alright, alright, you do have a point," said Andre. “Let's eat”.

The conversation was great during dinner. Andre seemed to lighten up a bit. We got to know a little bit about them as we spoke about ourselves as well. After dinner, Shanese decided to sit on the back porch with Andre.

Andre and Shanese sat next to each other on the bench, with some space between them. Neither one spoke for the first five minutes...both taking in the cool night air. As an hour passed by, they began to open up to each other. Andre was less depressed, actually enjoying this little conversation with Shanese.

"So anyway, my voice has been this low in tone since I was 13 years old. Of course people would call me 'Base Man'. Needless to say, the girls loved me." Shanese laughed out loud, then got a little closer to Andre. "So tell me, are you engaged? Married? Ready for divorce? Haha! Just playing with you."

Laughing, Shanese answered, “In a relationship. It’s on the rocks but getting better. I’ve been dealing with these rough necks; finally got me a guy who’s decent. His name is Flex. He works in a bank; high position at Bank of America downtown. He’s a good guy. I just need to do right by him.”

"Really? Ok, sounds like a good deal. Hey, you better make sure you get your man, because you don't find brothas in high positions like that these days," Andre said. Shanese laughed again, but Andre wasn't paying it any attention. This Flex dude could be the answer to helping him and Kareem to finally get their money. "For real, he sounds like a cool dude."

“Well thank you. You’re pretty cool yourself, Mr. Andre.” They laughed together.

"Aww shucks ma'am, thanks," Andre joked. He was thinking of a way to get closer to Shanese...for the sake of finding out more about Flex, and his "high position" at the bank. "Hey I know you're trying to get back with your man, but would you mind if we see each other again? I haven't had a good talk like this in such a long time. What do you say?"

"Sure why not." Shanese smiled at the thought of being with Andre. Even though she felt like she loved Flex, Andre was a nice guy. He's been hurt but who hadn't. She respected him for having feelings and promised herself she would get to know him better. She had to give it a chance.

Meanwhile back in the living room...

“So do you know Michelle?” I asked as we both sat down on my white couch facing the flat screen on the wall.

"Um not really. The only time I saw her was when I first met you," said Kareem as he took Kami's hand. This time she didn't fight it, but held his hand tight as the other hand caressed his arm.

I smiled. Then got back to my thought. “I wonder who her friend is then. Who set this little date up? Do you know?”

"All I know is that my brother Carlos's boss told him that he was going to look out for us. You know, keeping us happy for the few weeks that we're here."

"Mmmm, my friend Michelle. She's cool. But very sneaky. She's crossed a lot of guys. I don't trust her much. Love her to death but something about her isn't right. She told me that if I helped her with this little favor she'd help me with my plan against Keith. I don't know if I should let her in like that. She's good for double crossing people. She even sleeps around on her husband."

"Keith? Your ex is named Keith? As in Keith Forbes?" Kareem was incredulous, putting it all together. He saw Kami's eyes get wide.

I hesitated. "Yup that's him. Why?"

"Damn. Small world, because that's my brother's boss's name. He's the one who hooked all of us up!"

I stood up trying to take all this in. "If that's the case, Michelle's friend is Keith. Why in the hell would Michelle be involved with Keith?" I walked around my living room trying to piece the story together. "I always figured that there was someone else; that maybe Keith dumped me because he was involved with someone else. That someone else is my friend Michelle. What I wanna know is what motive does she have to set this up. Why is she doing this?"

Kami was talking a hundred miles an hour. Kareem was doing his best to follow what got her all in a rage.

"Whoa, hold on a second. Are you sure about this? Maybe she's just doing him a favor, that's all. I mean, I don't really know Keith. In fact I never met him. And the one time I saw Michelle, it seemed like she was all business. Maybe that's what it is: business."

“I put money on it. She’s either sleeping with him or he has something on her. I don’t believe it’s business. Michelle has no business. She lives off her husband’s money. All she does is spend and have sex. This is too much of a coincidence to be nothing at all. I knew something wasn’t right now she tells me she’s gonna help me with him.” I shook my head in disbelief.

"Damn. And you mentioned that your ex was involved in a bank robbery? When was that?" Kareem's suspicions were on point: Keith Forbes was probably the partner that Carlos had during the bank robberies 13 years ago.

"Yeah he was. I found out one day when going through some of his stuff in his house. The robbery was about twelve or thirteen years ago. He doesn't know that I know but this is fuel to my fire."

Kareem wanted to jump up and down, and tell Andre that he was 100 percent correct. The money WAS here in the ATL, and Keith was the one banking all the cash. He kept his composure, and took hold of Kami's arms.

"Kami, I got something to tell you. But first, I need you to calm down some. This is gonna be beneficial to the both of us."

“What is it?” I asked turning to Kareem and focusing on what he had to say.

Kareem looked around, not seeing anyone in the room besides himself and Kami. He got close to her.

"I know about the bank robberies. In fact, I'm related to one of the robbers: my brother Carlos."

"Oh My God! Are you serious? Keith has all the money hidden in some safe house out here. I never did get a chance to find out the rest of the info but I saw some papers that said a Carlos someone went to jail and they believed he had a partner. After I saw that I started hinting; asking Keith questions about his past life, family and he was just like he had to change some things and he knew that some things he did would come back because someone sacrificed for him. It all makes sense now."

It was all starting to click with Kareem. Carlos partnered up with Keith to get paid his share, as well as getting his share of this counterfeit clothing scheme, and Keith was obligated to let Carlos do what he wanted because he owed him.

"Hey, so this plan of yours to get Keith for his money...I think you're gonna need some help," said Kareem.

I thought for a minute. It would be hard to make Keith pay by myself. Knowing what I know now, I might get in a little too deep and not know how to pull myself out. "Ok so what's your plan? I want in?"

Just as Kareem was about to tell Kami the plan, Andre walked in...with Shanese at his side. He looked a little happier than earlier.

"So, what are you two up to," he asked. Kareem and I both looked at each other.

"Ah, just getting to know each other better. I see you're doing the same."

"Yup. But it's getting late. I gotta get home to my son." Shanese told everyone.

Andre was a little disappointed. "Hey, thank you for the nice conversation. I apologize for how I acted earlier."

"Not a problem." Shanese told Andre. "We'll all get together again real soon. Mommy duties are calling." Andre and Shanese walked to the door. Kareem and I followed shortly behind. I looked at Kareem not believing how me and this man had come together.

“I’ve got a busy week this week at work. Plus I’m in the middle of writing my book and I’m on a deadline for my publisher. Let’s do lunch on Thursday. I’ll call you. We have to finish the conversation.”

"For sure, lovely lady, we do need to get back to unfinished business," said Kareem with his big smile. Just before he left, he turned back to Kami and looked into her eyes. "Wow, I'm really starting to like our connection." He then looked at her soft lips, and took a small taste of them. "Goodnight, Kami."

I hesitated. "Goodnight."


The Lexus was parked on the corner. Keith watched Andre and Shanese saying their goodbyes. Kami was in the doorway with Kareem. Like a slow motion scene in a movie, Keith saw Kareem bend down, and kiss Kami. He watched the slight grin on both faces as Kareem turned and walked away...Kami still standing...watching. Keith sat in the car, seeing Kami shut the door and turning the porch light off. Keith didn't leave. He continued to watch the dark porch.....

Darryl Mims's Crimes of Passion in the ATL is collabing with Dominique Watson's The Dirty Sexy Chronicles . Be sure to read those articles so you can really know what's going on and meet the characters that are being introduced throughout Crimes of Passion in the ATL: